How to Add Wallpaper to Ford Sync from an iPhone [Full Guide]

Having a customized wallpaper on your Ford Sync system can make your driving experience more enjoyable and personal. Adding wallpaper from your iPhone to Ford Sync is easy to do with just a few steps. Here is a complete guide on how to add wallpaper to Ford Sync using your iPhone.

Quick Answer:

Here are some quick answers for the article on adding wallpaper to Ford Sync from an iPhone:

  • Make sure to select a high-resolution, landscape image on your iPhone to use as Ford Sync wallpaper.
  • Use a USB drive to transfer the wallpaper file from your iPhone to your Ford Sync system.
  • Connect the USB drive containing the wallpaper to your car’s USB port. Ford Sync will recognize it.
  • Access the wallpaper file from the USB drive on your Ford Sync display.
  • Go to Display Settings and select the wallpaper image file to set it as your background.
  • The image will now display whenever you start your car.
  • You can change the wallpaper regularly by repeating the USB file transfer process.
  • Choosing an appropriate landscape image and following the proper steps will allow you to customize your Ford Sync system.
  • Changing your wallpaper periodically can give your driving experience a fresh new look and feel.

Step 1: Find a Wallpaper for Your Ford Sync System

The first step is to find a wallpaper that you want to display on the Ford Sync screen in your car. You can choose a wallpaper from your existing iPhone photo library or download a new one.

When selecting or downloading a wallpaper image, make sure that it is high resolution so that it looks good on the large Ford Sync display. The ideal dimensions for a Ford Sync wallpaper are 800 x 480 pixels.

Here are some tips for finding a good Ford Sync wallpaper on your iPhone:

  • Browse your existing photo library for images taken in landscape orientation.
  • Search for “Ford Sync wallpaper” or “car wallpaper” in the app store to find fitting options.
  • Use a wallpaper app that offers car-specific wallpaper categories.
  • Take a new photo with your iPhone in landscape mode to use.

Step 2: Transfer the Wallpaper File to a USB Drive

Once you have selected the wallpaper image you want, you need to transfer it from your iPhone to a USB flash drive. Here is how to do it:

  • Connect your USB drive to your iPhone using the lighting to USB cable.
  • Open the Photos app and locate the wallpaper image.
  • Tap on the Share icon (the box with an arrow pointing up).
  • Choose “Save to Files” and select the connected USB drive.
  • The image will be saved onto the USB drive.

Alternatively, you can email the wallpaper file to yourself and download it directly onto the USB drive on your computer.

Step 3: Connect the USB Drive to Your Ford Sync System

With the wallpaper image file saved onto the USB drive, you now need to connect the drive to your Ford Sync system.

  • Locate the USB port in your Ford vehicle. It is usually located in the center console area.
  • Connect your USB drive containing the wallpaper file to the USB port.
  • Ford Sync should recognize the USB drive and you will see a confirmation message.

The wallpaper image should now be accessible on your Ford Sync system.

Step 4: Set the Wallpaper from Your Ford Sync System

The final step is to select the wallpaper image and set it as the background image on your Ford Sync screen.

  • Select “Settings” on your Ford Sync system.
  • Choose “Display Settings”.
  • Select “Edit Wallpaper” or “Add Wallpaper”.
  • Browse and select the wallpaper image file from the connected USB drive.
  • Choose “Set as Wallpaper”.

The wallpaper image from your iPhone should now be showing on your Ford Sync display whenever you start your vehicle!

Customizing your Ford Sync with wallpaper from your iPhone is quick and easy by following these steps. Change your wallpaper periodically to keep your driving experience fresh. Always choose a high-resolution landscape image for optimal display quality. With the right wallpaper, you can personalize your vehicle’s environment and make your time spent in your vehicle more enjoyable.


What file type should the wallpaper be?

The ideal file format is .jpg or .png. Ford Sync also supports .gif and .bmp files.

What happens if I connect multiple USB drives?

Ford Sync will only read the first connected USB drive. Remove any other drives before connecting the one with your wallpaper.

How do I reset the wallpaper to default?

Go to Display Settings and choose the “Default Wallpaper” option to reset to the original wallpaper.

How often can I change the wallpaper?

You can change the Ford Sync wallpaper as often as you like by repeating the USB transfer process.

Will this drain my car’s battery?

No, using wallpaper will have very minimal impact on battery usage. Sync is designed to function with wallpapers.


Adding custom wallpaper to your Ford Sync system from your iPhone is a great way to personalize your driving experience. With the right high-resolution landscape image, it can give your vehicle’s interior a fresh new look. Just be sure to follow the proper file transfer and setup steps outlined above. Change your Ford wallpaper periodically to keep things interesting. Drive safely and enjoy your newly customized Ford Sync system!

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