How to See Who Screenshotted Your Snapchat Story (SIMPLE GUIDE)

Snapchat, a popular social media platform, is known for its ephemeral content that disappears after a certain period of time. One of the most intriguing features of Snapchat is its Stories, which allow users to share snippets of their day with their friends. But what happens when someone takes a screenshot of your Snapchat story? Can you see who screenshotted your Snapchat story? The answer is yes, and this comprehensive guide will walk you through the process.

  • Yes, You can see who screenshotted your Snapchat Story, and here is a step by step guide.
  • Open Snapchat and click on the ‘Stories’ icon at the bottom of the screen.
  • Click on it to view the list of viewers
  • If someone has taken a screenshot, their name will be highlighted, and a screenshot icon will appear next to it.

What is Snapchat’s Screenshot Notification Feature

Snapchat has a unique feature that notifies users when a screenshot of their story is taken. This feature is designed to respect the privacy of users and keep them informed about who is saving their content. When someone takes a screenshot of your story, Snapchat sends you a notification, and the person’s name is highlighted in your viewer list.

Steps to Check Who Screenshotted Your Snapchat Story

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to see who screenshotted your Snapchat story:

  • Open Snapchat and click on the ‘Stories’ icon at the bottom of the screen.
  • Your story will appear at the top. Click on it to view the list of viewers.
  • If someone has taken a screenshot, their name will be highlighted, and a screenshot icon will appear next to it.

Importance of Privacy Settings on Snapchat

While Snapchat does notify you when someone takes a screenshot of your story, it’s important to review your privacy settings to control who can view your stories in the first place. You can choose to share your stories with all Snapchat users, only your friends, or a customized list of friends.

Read my post on:   How to Post a Quote on Threads (EASY STEPS)

Tips to Maintain Privacy and Security on Snapchat

Maintaining privacy and security on Snapchat is crucial. Here are some tips:

  • Regularly review your friend list and remove anyone you don’t know or trust.
  • Use the ‘Ghost Mode’ in Snap Map to hide your location.
  • Regularly change your Snapchat password to prevent unauthorized access.


Q: Can I disable the screenshot notification feature on Snapchat?

No, the screenshot notification feature is a built-in feature of Snapchat and cannot be disabled.

Q: Can I see who screenshotted my Snapchat story after it disappears?

No, once your Snapchat story disappears after 24 hours, you can no longer see who viewed or screenshotted it.

Q: Can someone see if I screenshot their Snapchat story?

Yes, Snapchat will notify the user if you take a screenshot of their story.

Q: What does the screenshot icon on Snapchat look like?

The screenshot icon on Snapchat is a two-way arrow.

Q: Can I see how many times someone screenshotted my Snapchat story?

No, Snapchat only notifies you that a screenshot was taken, but it doesn’t tell you how many times.

Q: Can I prevent someone from screenshotting my Snapchat story?

While you can’t prevent someone from taking a screenshot, you can control who views your stories through your privacy settings.


Snapchat’s screenshot notification feature is a handy tool for keeping track of who is saving your content. By understanding how this feature works and maintaining proper privacy settings, you can enjoy sharing your stories on Snapchat while keeping your privacy intact. Remember, your digital safety is in your hands!

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