How to Tell If Someone Deleted Your Conversation on Instagram

Have you ever wondered if someone deleted your conversation on Instagram? Perhaps you sent a message and it suddenly disappeared, leaving you puzzled and unsure of what happened. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of determining whether someone deleted your conversation on Instagram. We’ll cover everything you need to know, including the notifications you receive, the actions that trigger message deletion, and how to delete a conversation on Instagram. Let’s dive in!

Quick Answer

Unfortunately, Instagram does not provide a direct way to know if someone has deleted your conversation. You can only tell whether your message was delivered or seen based on the notifications you receive. Beyond that, Instagram does not disclose whether the message was deleted by the recipient. Now, let’s explore the topic in detail.

Understanding Instagram Message Status

Before we delve into detecting deleted conversations, let’s clarify the different message statuses on Instagram.

What Does “Delivered” Mean on Instagram?

When you send a direct message (DM) on Instagram, you’ll notice a “Delivered” status beneath it. This means that the message has successfully reached the recipient’s inbox but hasn’t been opened or read yet. The recipient will receive a notification indicating the delivery.

What Does “Seen” Mean on Instagram?

Once the recipient opens and reads the DM, the status changes to “Seen.” This means that the person has viewed your message, and you’ll see a small eye icon next to the message to indicate its status. However, this status does not tell you if the message was deleted after being seen.

Can You Tell If Someone Deleted Your Conversation?

As mentioned earlier, Instagram does not provide a direct indication if someone has deleted your conversation. Once a message is sent, Instagram does not notify you if the recipient deletes it. Therefore, you won’t receive any specific alerts or indications when a conversation is deleted.

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What Happens When Someone Deletes a Conversation on Instagram?

When someone deletes a conversation on Instagram, there are a few possible scenarios:

  • If the conversation was deleted before being seen (when it still shows as “Delivered”), the message will simply disappear from both the sender’s and recipient’s inboxes.
  • If the conversation was deleted after being seen (when it shows as “Seen”), the message will disappear from both inboxes as well, but the recipient will still retain a notification that you sent a message (the notification won’t show the content of the deleted message).

Can You Delete a DM Without Opening It?

Yes, you can delete a DM without opening it. If you have second thoughts about a message you sent and don’t want the recipient to see it, you can quickly delete it.

To delete a DM without opening it:

  1. Open Instagram and go to your inbox.
  2. Find the conversation you want to delete.
  3. Swipe left on the message to reveal the “Delete” option.
  4. Tap “Delete,” and the message will be removed from both your and the recipient’s inbox.

Will the Other Person Know If You Delete a Conversation on Instagram?

No, the other person will not receive a notification if you delete a conversation on Instagram. When you delete a conversation, it simply disappears from both inboxes, and the recipient won’t be alerted about it.

Does the Other Person See If You Delete a Conversation?

If you delete a conversation before the recipient opens it (while it still shows as “Delivered”), the other person will not see the message at all. The message will be removed from their inbox, and they won’t receive any indication of its content.

If you delete a conversation after the recipient has already seen it (while it shows as “Seen”), the other person will still see the notification that you sent a message, but they won’t be able to view the deleted message itself.

How to Delete a Whole Conversation on Instagram on Both Sides?

If you want to remove an entire conversation from your Instagram inbox, you have the option to delete it on both sides. This means the conversation will be deleted from your inbox and the recipient’s inbox as well.

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To delete a whole conversation on both sides:

  1. Open Instagram and go to your inbox.
  2. Find the conversation you want to delete.
  3. Tap and hold on the conversation.
  4. Select the “Delete” option from the pop-up menu.
  5. Confirm your action, and the conversation will be deleted from both sides.

Where Do Deleted Instagram Conversations Go?

When you delete a conversation on Instagram, it is permanently removed from both your and the recipient’s inbox. Instagram does not have a “Trash” or “Archive” folder for deleted conversations, so once you delete a conversation, it’s gone for good.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What Happens When Someone Deletes a Conversation on Instagram?
A: When someone deletes a conversation on Instagram, the message will disappear from both the sender’s and recipient’s inboxes.

Q: Can You Delete a DM Without Opening It?
A: Yes, you can delete a DM without opening it. Simply swipe left on the message and tap “Delete.”

Q: Will the Other Person Know If You Delete a Conversation on Instagram?
A: No, the other person will not receive any notification when you delete a conversation on Instagram.

Q: Does the Other Person See If You Delete a Conversation?
A: If you delete a conversation before the recipient opens it, they will not see the message at all. If it was already seen, they will still see the notification but not the deleted message.

Q: How to Delete a Whole Conversation on Instagram on Both Sides?
A: To delete a whole conversation on both sides, tap and hold on the conversation, then select “Delete” from the pop-up menu.

Q: Where Do Deleted Instagram Conversations Go?
A: Deleted Instagram conversations are permanently removed and do not go to any “Trash” or “Archive” folder.


In conclusion, Instagram does not provide a direct method to determine if someone deleted your conversation. The platform only notifies you about message delivery and whether it has been seen. Once a conversation is deleted, it disappears from both the sender’s and recipient’s inboxes without any specific notification. If you regret sending a message, you can delete it without the recipient knowing. Keep in mind that Instagram does not have a way to recover deleted conversations, so be mindful of your messages. Remember, your privacy and the privacy of others are essential when communicating on social media platforms like Instagram.

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